Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Homage to Dates

I love dates
Not the thing you find on calendars
For here in Saudi I find that they are irrelevant
At least for me
No, I am talking about the fruit
They are fabulous
Soaked in honey
With a nut nestled in the middle
A cashew
Yummy, heaven on earth
Natural sugar
My tongue delights in the new found delicacy
Chewy and crunhcy
Not to sweet
Yet perfectly satisfying
All natural
No preservatives
Just nature at it's best

Oh to share this delicacy with all the world
To convert all to this natural wonder
The new export would not be oil with all it's polluting death
But this life giving wonder
The date
The nut
The nectar

Just as God intended


  1. A lady from Iran that I work with brought some of those dates, they sure were good!!! Sounds like your fitting in over there:)

  2. I am glad you had some of the dates, they are amazing. I don't think you can get them over there, you will have to let me know if you can! Dates taste better than chocolate! How do you like my photos?

  3. Wow! That sounds really yummy! If I can ever try some I will!
